A Multifarious Dichotomy (but I'll guide you along)

My interests are all over the place and I'll explore them as I go along. As of now there's no reason for anyone else to care about this blog, but it's my responsibility to generate interest and build a following. I'm no salesman, so this might be difficult, but it WILL be honest.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Yesterday my local newspaper had an article in it about our Adams County 912 patriots group. Here's the link: http://www.eveningsun.com/localnews/ci_15167720 I understand that we want to be noticed and we want to get our name out to the public, but I've already gotten enough not-so-positive attention from the article that I'm a little concerned. This brings up a few paradoxes that have been forming in my mind for a few months now.

The first: we are trying to "rally" a "group" of "individuals;" each of us are thinking beings with our own reasons for coming to similar conclusions. And we have already come across a few instances where there are deep-seated disagreements on even core issues. While I find no problem with that (one of my reasons for being a part of this project is to celebrate individuality and freedom of thought), it does point now the inherent difficulty in trying to organize a group of people who inherently don't think as a group. It illustrates the point that dealing with libertarian-types has been likened to "trying to herd cats." Sometimes I think it would be easier if we were a liberal rent-a-mob. but that would defeat the point, right?

The second is this: what have you gained by championing the causes of those who want to just be left alone if it costs you your anonymity and your ability to just be left alone personally? I repeat from above: I do not like even the trickle of attention I've gotten already from the article. I don't want to be this guy. Even within the Adams 912 Patriots group I simply want to be the guy who reads a lot of history, economics, and current events and can contribute some valuable thoughts to the discussion. In general, I just want to live my life on my terms: being productive and trading value for value. And as long as I don't infringe upon anybody else's rights, I think I should be able to expect to just be left alone (especially in these United States of America). But I fear that we live in a world and a country today where if individuals simply try to live their lives responsibly and individually, they will be steamrolled by organized movements towards "charitable" collectivism and the "tyranny of the busybody." So the need and the urgency exist for individuals to stand up together and reclaim their individual rights. Which brings us back to the first paradox: individualists are difficult to organize into a group.

Perhaps my unease is only a product of the novelty of the attention. Maybe this is the peak of the attention that will come from this and that I am worrying needlessly. And maybe I just have to suck it up, thicken my skin and become more comfortable with being uncomfortable. We'll see.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Just checking in after all these months. The healthcare monstrosity has finally passed, but the legislative sleight of hand that allowed this to happen may be a bigger threat to the republic. If this withstands the coming challenges in the Supreme Court, Congressional leaders can essentially "deem and pass" anything it wants without even voting on it, and if that happens... we.. are... screwed.